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Obesity Guide 2.3
Expert Health Studio
" ★★★ Download It For Free ★★★ You Want to Learn More AboutObesity! Obesity is one of the nation’s fastest growing and mosttroubling health problems. Unless you act to address the emotionsbehind why you overeat, you could be facing long-term problems. Ifyou have a very high body mass index (BMI), that is, your weight issignificantly more than what is generally considered healthy foryour height ,you may be increasing the risk of many serious healthconditions, including hypertension, heart disease and stroke, Type2 diabetes, gallbladder disease, chronic fatigue, asthma, sleepapnea, and some forms of cancer. Learn about obesity what causesit, how it affects your health, and how to overcome it in theseApplication videos. ✰✰✰ Support Us By Rating Us 5 ★★★★★ ✰✰✰ ✰✰✰Please contact us first if you have any question! ✰✰✰ "
Birth Control Method Guide 2.3
Expert Health Studio
" ★★★ Download It For Free ★★★ You Want to Learn How to Pick a GoodBirth Control Method! There are a wide variety of birth controlmethods available on the market today! Birth control allows us toprevent pregnancy and plan the timing of pregnancy. People haveused birth control methods for thousands of years. Today, we havemany safe and effective birth control methods available to us. Allof us who need birth control want to find the method that is bestfor us. If you're trying to choose, learning about each method mayhelp you make your decision. Only you can decide what is best foryou. And we're here to help. ✰✰✰ Support Us By Rating Us 5 ★★★★★✰✰✰ ✰✰✰ Please contact us first if you have any question! ✰✰✰ "
Heart Disease Guide 2.3
Expert Health Studio
" ★★★ Download It For Free ★★★ Learn How to Help Prevent HeartDisease! You’re never too young or too old to take care of yourheart. Preventing heart disease (and all cardiovascular diseases)means making smart choices now that will pay off the rest of yourlife. Lack of exercise, a poor diet and other unhealthy habits cantake their toll over the years. Anyone at any age can benefit fromsimple steps to keep their heart healthy during each decade oflife. Learn about heart disease what causes it, how to prevent it,and ways to treat it in these application videos. ✰✰✰ Support Us ByRating Us 5 ★★★★★ ✰✰✰ ✰✰✰ Please contact us first if you have anyquestion! ✰✰✰ "
First Aid Guide 2.3
Expert Health Studio
" ★★★ Download It For Free ★★★ First aid what everybody shouldknow! First aid is an important skill. Find out what everyoneshould know! By performing simple procedures and following certainguidelines, it may be possible to save lives by giving basictreatment until professional medical help arrives. In an emergencythere's no time to read instructions. If you've memorised some ofthe basic procedures, it will help you react quickly andefficiently. If you ever find yourself in a situation where youhave to administer first aid,it is important to be prepared! ✰✰✰Support Us By Rating Us 5 ★★★★★ ✰✰✰ ✰✰✰ Please contact us first ifyou have any question! ✰✰✰ "
Epilepsy Guide 2.3
Expert Health Studio
" ★★★ Download It For Free ★★★ Learn about Facts and Treatments ofEpilepsy & Seizure Disorders! Epilepsy is a chronic disorder,the hallmark of which is recurrent, unprovoked seizures. Manypeople with epilepsy have more than one type of seizure and mayhave other symptoms of neurological problems as well. Causes ofepilepsy vary by age of the person. Some people with no clear causeof epilepsy may have a genetic cause. But what's true for every ageis that the cause is unknown for about half of everyone withepilepsy. Get a comprehensive understanding of epilepsy and seizuredisorders in these Application videos. ✰✰✰ Support Us By Rating Us5 ★★★★★ ✰✰✰ ✰✰✰ Please contact us first if you have any question!✰✰✰ "
Boost Infertility Guide 2.3
Expert Health Studio
" ★★★ Download It For Free ★★★ Are you trying to have a baby butpregnancy just isn't happening? You may wonder if you or yourpartner has a medical problem that you need to check out. Take afew minutes to learn what infertility means and what can cause it.Then talk to your doctor to find out what your next steps shouldbe. Doctors call it infertility when you don't get pregnant after ayear of regular sex without using birth control. If you're a womanover 35, infertility means you don't get pregnant after 6 months ofsex. You can often control your fertility health by beingproactive, whether you want to wait or start a family right away.Learn everything there is to know about infertility and how to getpregnant with these application videos. ✰✰✰ Support Us By Rating Us5 ★★★★★ ✰✰✰ ✰✰✰ Please contact us first if you have any question!✰✰✰ "
Plastic Surgery Guide 2.3
Expert Health Studio
" ★★★ Download It For Free ★★★ Best Advice tips to consider forPlastic Surgery Preparation! Whether you’re planning on having nosesurgery, breast augmentation or a tummy tuck, recovery afterplastic surgery is probably a concern. The good news is that thesteps you take now to prepare for your upcoming procedure, candramatically improve your plastic surgery recovery time. After abusy summer, interest in plastic surgery typically increases in thefall and winter. Many patients prefer this time of year given thatit is easier to cover up when healing as the weather cools.Abdominal binders following tummy tuck, for example, are often morecomfortable to wear in cooler temperatures and easier to coverunder heavier fall and winter clothing. Facial incisions andswelling may also be easier to conceal at this time. Patients oftenwish to feel and look refreshed before upcoming holiday socialevents and may be less physically active than during summer months.Get all your plastic surgery questions answered in theseApplication videos. ✰✰✰ Support Us By Rating Us 5 ★★★★★ ✰✰✰ ✰✰✰Please contact us first if you have any question! ✰✰✰ "
Astrological Chart Guide 2.3
Expert Health Studio
" ★★★ Download It For Free ★★★ Learn How to Read Your Own BirthChart in Easy Steps! A natal birth chart, also referred to as abirth chart or a natal chart, is a horoscope or astrological chartthat is drawn from the exact time of a person’s birth, and it givea revealing glimpse into a person’s character by analyzing theposition of the planets and the astrological houses during the timeof birth along with the person’s astrological sign. Learn how toread your astrological chart with this application video series.Find out how you can get your astrology chart positions free withour simple steps! ✰✰✰ Support Us By Rating Us 5 ★★★★★ ✰✰✰ ✰✰✰Please contact us first if you have any question! ✰✰✰ "
Breast Cancer Guide 1.0
Expert Health Studio
" ★★★ Download It For Free ★★★ Learn Best Breast Cancer PreventionTips You Should Know To Lower Your Risk! Breast Cancer Awarenessmonth (or Breast Cancer Prevention month as we like to call it atKeep A Breast) is over and by now you have probably seen your fairshare of pink ribbons and sports stars going pink for breastcancer. But what does it mean? How can you lower your risk forcancer? And why should you care? Did you know that fewer than 15%of all women who develop breast cancer have a family memberdiagnosed with it? This might seem like a scary statement, butthink about it… This means that 85% of all breast cancer cases arecaused by factors other than heredity, such as environmentaltoxins, bad eating habits, and stress. ✰✰✰ Support Us By Rating Us5 ★★★★★ ✰✰✰ ✰✰✰ Please contact us first if you have any question!✰✰✰ "
Palm Reading Guide 2.3
Expert Health Studio
" ★★★ Download It For Free ★★★ Are you curious about what your palmsays about you? you're an aspiring palm reader or you're justlooking for a fun way to pass the time and impress your friends. Doyou want to know your future? Oh come on now, I know you do!Palmistry has been around for thousands of years, and it’s stillpopular today. No matter where you came from, everyone is at leasta little bit curious about what their hands might tell them.Palmistry is quite easy to learn, and like with any other form offortune telling, you get better at it the more you do it. It’s agreat thing for shy people, too, because it forces you to interactwith others one on one, and it gives you something to talk about.It's fun and easy, so when you're ready,Let the Reading Begin! ✰✰✰Support Us By Rating Us 5 ★★★★★ ✰✰✰ ✰✰✰ Please contact us first ifyou have any question! ✰✰✰ "
Ayurvedic Body Massage Guide 2.3
Expert Health Studio
" ★★★ Download It For Free ★★★ Learn How to Give Ayurvedic MassageStep by Step! Ayurvedic Massage: Ancient India’s Best Kept Secret.Ayurvedic massage is a key part of Ayurvedic therapy. Just as amachine needs to be oiled, the body loves to have its largestorgan, the skin, soothed, which is why oils are commonly used inAyurvedic massage. Ayurveda sees everything in the universe,including human beings, as composed of five basic elements (orPanchamahabhutas): space, air, fire, water and earth. Learn how togive an Ayurvedic body massage, aka Abhyanga, with thedemonstrations in these application videos. ✰✰✰ Support Us ByRating Us 5 ★★★★★ ✰✰✰ ✰✰✰ Please contact us first if you have anyquestion! ✰✰✰ "
Basic Massage Techniques Guide 2.0
Expert Health Studio
" ★★★ Download It For Free ★★★ Learn How to Give Your Partner TheBest Massage Ever! That's really what a good rubdown is a way torelieve stress and channel positive energy through to the otherperson. Not only is it one of the best ways to signal to yourpartner that you're ready to move to the next level physically, butit's also a fantastic way to let her know how much you care. Givinga quality massage is one of those things that should technically beeasy to do. Learn basic massage techniques with the demonstrationsin these Application videos. ✰✰✰ Support Us By Rating Us 5 ★★★★★✰✰✰ ✰✰✰ Please contact us first if you have any question! ✰✰✰ "
Medical Problem Guide 2.4
Expert Health Studio
" ★★★ Download It For Free ★★★ Learn How to Deal With a HealthCondition! Living with a long lasting health condition (also calleda chronic illness) can be challenging. Learning how to handle thatis a process it doesn't happen right away. But understanding moreabout your condition, and doing your part to manage it, can helpyou take health challenges in stride. Many people find that takingan active part in the care of a chronic health condition can helpthem feel stronger and better able to deal with lots of life'shurdles. Advice for Dealing With Medical Problem! ✰✰✰ Support Us ByRating Us 5 ★★★★★ ✰✰✰ ✰✰✰ Please contact us first if you have anyquestion! ✰✰✰ "
Deep Tissue Massage Guide 2.3
Expert Health Studio
" ★★★ Download It For Free ★★★ Learn How to Give a Deep TissueMassage Step by Step! Deep tissue massages focus on relievingtension deep within the body's musculature. To give a good deeptissue massage, you will need to know the basics of human muscleanatomy, how to properly apply deep pressure without causing pain,and how to identify areas that need more attention. Professionalmasseuses attend many hours of school and practice their techniquesdaily. Even without all that training, you can give a pleasant deeptissue massage by learning the basics. Learn how to give a deeptissue massage with the massage techniques demonstrated in theseapplication videos. ✰✰✰ Support Us By Rating Us 5 ★★★★★ ✰✰✰ ✰✰✰Please contact us first if you have any question! ✰✰✰ "
Quit Smoking Guide 2.3
Expert Health Studio
" ★★★ Download It For Free ★★★ You have decided to quit smoking!Congratulations! Your first day without cigarettes can bedifficult. Here are steps you can take to handle quit day and beconfident about being able to stay quit. While there are a numberof ways to quit smoking, not all of them are equally successful.Here we will break down What Is the Most Effective Way to QuitSmoking that has been used with the most success by those who quit.Keep in mind that success rates will not be the same for everyone.In the end, quitting comes down to a personal decision, the amountof willpower you have and a variety of factors affecting your dailylife. But if you want the best chance of success, then these arethe methods you should be trying. Find out what will help you quitsmoking for good with these Application videos. ✰✰✰ Support Us ByRating Us 5 ★★★★★ ✰✰✰ ✰✰✰ Please contact us first if you have anyquestion! ✰✰✰ "
All About Pregnancy Guide 2.3
Expert Health Studio
" ★★★ Download It For Free ★★★ Are you asking question aboutpregnancy! Am I pregnant? What should I be eating? Is it normal tobe this tired? How can I help my partner during labour? Welcome topregnancy! This is the start of an incredible journey. Whatever youwant to know about getting pregnant, being pregnant or caring foryour new baby, you should find it here. Congrats! Here's what to donow to get healthy, have fun, and feel prepared to start trying toconceive. ✰✰✰ Support Us By Rating Us 5 ★★★★★ ✰✰✰ ✰✰✰ Pleasecontact us first if you have any question! ✰✰✰ "
Feet Care Guide 2.3
Expert Health Studio
" ★★★ Download It For Free ★★★ Learn How to Take Care of Your FeetRight Every Day! They're the workhorses of our bodies, but we givethem so little respect. Your feet are probably the last part ofyour body you think about until they start hurting. They're tooimportant to overlook, though: With some 26 bones and a complexframework of muscles, tendons and ligaments, your feet absorb theimpact of your full body weight with every step, keeping youbalanced and upright in the process. Learn how to buy shoes thatfit, get a safe pedicure, prevent toe problems, and much more inthese Application videos. ✰✰✰ Support Us By Rating Us 5 ★★★★★ ✰✰✰✰✰✰ Please contact us first if you have any question! ✰✰✰ "
Shiatsu Massage Guide 2.3
Expert Health Studio
" ★★★ Download It For Free ★★★ Learn how to do the Siatshu Massagetechniques in Easy Steps! Shiatsu is a massage technique that usesthe power of touch and applying pressure. This type of therapycomes from ancient Japanese culture however was adapted intoChinese medicine practices and uses the principles of the meridianhealing system. Shiatsu therapy is also helpful towards those thatsuffer with arm aches and tension, long term usage of repetitivemovements such as a keyboard, writing, computer mouse, and otherany other repetitive motion devices. Learn how to do the massagetechniques used in shiatsu with these application videos, whichshow you how to massage scalp, feet, shoulders, and more. ✰✰✰Support Us By Rating Us 5 ★★★★★ ✰✰✰ ✰✰✰ Please contact us first ifyou have any question! ✰✰✰ "
Knees Therapy Guide 2.3
Expert Health Studio
" ★★★ Download It For Free ★★★ Learn How to Do Physical TherapyExercises for the Knees! Do you worry that working out could causemore knee damage or pain? As long as your doctor says it’s OK, thebest thing you can do is to strengthen the muscles that supportyour knee and keep them flexible. Start slowly, and build up overtime. Knee pain is among the most commonly encountered orthopedicproblems. While there are many causes of knee pain, most can behelped with some specific stretching and strengthening exercises.Even if surgery is necessary on the knee, rehabilitation exerciseswill certainly be a part of your recovery process. Learn how to dophysical therapy for your knees with the exercises in theseapplication videos. ✰✰✰ Support Us By Rating Us 5 ★★★★★ ✰✰✰ ✰✰✰Please contact us first if you have any question! ✰✰✰ "
Sexually Transmitted Diseases Guide 2.3
Expert Health Studio
" ★★★ Download It For Free ★★★ You've probably heard lots ofdiscouraging news about sexually transmitted diseases! Sexuallytransmitted diseases (STDs) are infectious diseases that spreadfrom person to person through intimate contact. STDs can affectguys and girls of all ages and backgrounds who are having sex itdoesn't matter if they're rich or poor. Unfortunately, STDs(sometimes also called STIs for ""sexually transmittedinfections"") have become common among teens. Because teens aremore at risk for getting some STDs, it's important to learn whatyou can do to protect yourself. STDs are more than just anembarrassment. They're a serious health problem. If untreated, someSTDs can cause permanent damage, such as infertility (the inabilityto have a baby) and even death (in the case of HIV/AIDS). Learn howto recognize, treat, and prevent sexually transmitted diseases(STDs) in these Application videos. ✰✰✰ Support Us By Rating Us 5★★★★★ ✰✰✰ ✰✰✰ Please contact us first if you have any question! ✰✰✰"
Nutritional Supplements Guide 2.3
Expert Health Studio
" ★★★ Download It For Free ★★★ Learn What you need to know aboutthe most popular nutritional supplements! Nutritional supplementsinclude vitamins, minerals, herbs, meal supplements, sportsnutrition products, natural food supplements, and other relatedproducts used to boost the nutritional content of the diet.Nutritional supplements are used for many purposes. They can beadded to the diet to boost overall health and energy; to provideimmune system support and reduce the risks of illness andage-related conditions; to improve performance in athletic andmental activities; and to support the healing process duringillness and disease. However, most of these products are treated asfood and not regulated as drugs are. Learn the pros and cons oftaking various nutritional supplements in these Application videos.✰✰✰ Support Us By Rating Us 5 ★★★★★ ✰✰✰ ✰✰✰ Please contact us firstif you have any question! ✰✰✰ "
Healthy Eating Guide 2.3
Expert Health Studio
" ★★★ Download It For Free ★★★ Healthy Eating for a Healthy Life!It's easier than you think to start eating healthy! Take smallsteps each week to improve your nutrition and move toward ahealthier you. Small changes can make a big difference to yourhealth. This application is designed for people who want to findout more about healthy eating. Get more nutrients into your dietwith the crash course in nutrition provided by these applicationvideos. ✰✰✰ Support Us By Rating Us 5 ★★★★★ ✰✰✰ ✰✰✰ Please contactus first if you have any question! ✰✰✰ "
Tarot Cards Guide 2.3
Expert Health Studio
" ★★★ Download It For Free ★★★ You Want to Read the Tarot Cards butdon't know how? So, you want to learn to read Tarot? Here are aStep by Step Guide to help you. In this simple, step by stepprocess, you will learn how to give yourself a meaningful,intuitive Tarot or Oracle card reading, regardless of your level ofexperience. This process helps you tap into your intuition and lookat your Tarot cards in a whole new light. We will share with youthe best techniques for learning Tarot card meanings. Thisapplication will allow you to engage with your Tarot cards on adeep level, etching the Tarot card meanings into your brain! Takeyour time with this Application and we promise you will gain astrong connection to and understanding of your Tarot cards. ✰✰✰Support Us By Rating Us 5 ★★★★★ ✰✰✰ ✰✰✰ Please contact us first ifyou have any question! ✰✰✰ "
Eating Disorders Guide 2.3
Expert Health Studio
" ★★★ Download It For Free ★★★ Learn How to Recognize & TreatEating Disorders! Eating disorders are serious health conditionsthat can be both physically and emotionally destructive. Peoplewith eating disorders need to seek professional help. Earlydiagnosis and intervention may enhance recovery. Eating disorderscan become chronic, debilitating, and even life threateningconditions. When you begin to notice that disordered eating habitsare affecting your life, your happiness, and your ability toconcentrate, it is important that you talk to somebody about whatyou're going through. Learn about eating disorders anorexia,bulimia, sleep eating, compulsive eating and more in theseApplication videos. ✰✰✰ Support Us By Rating Us 5 ★★★★★ ✰✰✰ ✰✰✰Please contact us first if you have any question! ✰✰✰ "
Pregnancy Exercises Guide 2.3
Expert Health Studio
" ★★★ Download It For Free ★★★ Learn How to Safe Exercise duringYour Pregnancy! Maintaining a regular exercise routine throughoutyour pregnancy can help you stay healthy and feel your best.Exercising during pregnancy lifts your spirits and prepares you forlabor and childbirth, but it's important to be extra cautiousduring your workouts. Get fit before, during, and after yourpregnancy with the exercises demonstrated by fitness expert inthese Application workout videos. Here you'll find easy pregnancyexercises and fitness plans to get you moving (even when it's thelast thing your swollen feet want to do). ✰✰✰ Support Us By RatingUs 5 ★★★★★ ✰✰✰ ✰✰✰ Please contact us first if you have anyquestion! ✰✰✰ "
Healthy Food Guide 2.3
Expert Health Studio
" ★★★ Download It For Free ★★★ How to Eat Healthy, Lose Weight andFeel Awesome Every Day! Eating healthy Food is crucial tomaintaining good health. At the heart of a healthy lifestyle isgood nutrition. Making smart food choices can help reduce your riskof heart disease and stroke. The good news is, eating right doesn’thave to be hard or require a special diet. Learn which foods arethe most nutritious and how to eat a healthier diet with thesevideo application. Follow the advice to start eating Healthy Foodsproperly! ✰✰✰ Support Us By Rating Us 5 ★★★★★ ✰✰✰ ✰✰✰ Pleasecontact us first if you have any question! ✰✰✰ "
Back Pain Guide 2.3
Expert Health Studio
" ★★★ Download It For Free ★★★ Get Ready to Learn How to Treat BackPain! It's estimated that about 31 million Americans experiencebackaches at any given time and 50% of workers admit to havingsignificant back pain symptoms every year. Upper back pain is oftenthe result of poor sitting or standing posture or is due to minortrauma from playing sports or exercising. Treatment for lower backpain depends upon the patient's history and the type and severityof pain. The vast majority of lower back pain cases get betterwithin six weeks without surgery, and lower back pain exercises arealmost always part of a treatment plan. Learn how to prevent andtreat back pain in these application videos. ✰✰✰ Support Us ByRating Us 5 ★★★★★ ✰✰✰ ✰✰✰ Please contact us first if you have anyquestion! ✰✰✰ "
Stone Massage Therapy Guide 2.3
Expert Health Studio
" ★★★ Download It For Free ★★★ How to Do Hot Stone Massage TherapyStep By Step! Like all massage techniques, hot stone massage is amethod for relieving soreness and relaxing tension in the musclesof the body. The hot stones applied to the body penetrate deeplyand the stones used by the therapist make it easier to apply thetherapeutic effects of manipulation. Learn about hot stone massagetherapy versus other massage techniques in these pplication massagevideos. A Step By Step Guide To The Hot Stone Massage! ✰✰✰ SupportUs By Rating Us 5 ★★★★★ ✰✰✰ ✰✰✰ Please contact us first if you haveany question! ✰✰✰ "
Mental Health Guide 2.3
Expert Health Studio
" ★★★ Download It For Free ★★★ Learn How to Deal with MentalIllnesses & Have Good Mental Health! Mental health disorderdescribes a wide range of disorders such as depression, anxiety,stress, schizophrenia and bipolar disorder. Each disorder varies inits severity. The effect of mental illness can be severe on theindividuals and families concerned, and its influence is farreaching for society as a whole. If you are concerned about yourmental health or that of a family member, the first stop should beyour doctor where you can find out which therapies and treatmentsare available. Don't feel worried about going to your doctor asthey are able to help with both your mental and physical health.They will also direct you to the most appropriate treatment. Mostpeople understand the importance of having a healthy body. Manypeople, though, overlook the value of mental health. Learn about awide range of mental illnesses and how to deal with them. ✰✰✰Support Us By Rating Us 5 ★★★★★ ✰✰✰ ✰✰✰ Please contact us first ifyou have any question! ✰✰✰ "
Schizophrenia Guide 2.3
Expert Health Studio
" ★★★ Download It For Free ★★★ You don't know How to Live withSomeone with Schizophrenia? Schizophrenia is a serious disorderwhich affects how a person thinks, feels and acts. Someone withschizophrenia may have difficulty distinguishing between what isreal and what is imaginary; may be unresponsive or withdrawn; andmay have difficulty expressing normal emotions in socialsituations. Knowing the symptoms and risk factors of schizophreniaincluding when symptoms start to manifest could help you spot thewarning signs. Install this application to begin learning moreabout this complicated mental disorder. Learn about schizophrenia,an often misunderstood brain disorder in these application videos.✰✰✰ Support Us By Rating Us 5 ★★★★★ ✰✰✰ ✰✰✰ Please contact us firstif you have any question! ✰✰✰ "
Head & Neck Massage Guide 2.3
Expert Health Studio
" ★★★ Download It For Free ★★★ Learn How to Give a Head & NeckMassage with Step by Step Instruction! Most people suffer fromtension in their necks and shoulders at some time in their lives,which is hardly surprising if you consider the job the neck has todo! Poor posture, bad working positions, and carrying heavy bagsall conspire to make the problem worse. However, you can ease thepain with a remedy literally at your fingertips. This simple selfmassage exercise gets right to the core of the tension and eases itgently and effortlessly; you can try it almost anywhere and at anytime. Try to focus on the areas that feel most tense, and workslowly, deeply, and methodically. A good scalp massage can trulychange your day! ✰✰✰ Support Us By Rating Us 5 ★★★★★ ✰✰✰ ✰✰✰ Pleasecontact us first if you have any question! ✰✰✰ "
Autism Guide 2.6
Expert Health Studio
" ★★★ Download It For Free ★★★ Learn Best Things Every Child withAutism Wishes You Knew! There are many things parents can do tohelp children with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) overcome theirchallenges. But it's also important to make sure you get thesupport you need. When you're looking after a child with ASD,taking care of yourself is not a luxury or an act of selfishnessit's a necessity. Being emotionally strong allows you to be thebest parent you can be to your child in need. These Application canhelp by making life with an autistic child easier. ✰✰✰ Support UsBy Rating Us 5 ★★★★★ ✰✰✰ ✰✰✰ Please contact us first if you haveany question! ✰✰✰ "
How to do Reflexology (Guide) 6.3
Expert Health Studio
" ★★★ Download It For Free ★★★ Get Ready to Teach yourself How toDo a Good Reflexology Foot Massage! Here you will find step by stepinstructions for foot reflexology! Start now by learning thetechnique you will use. A good Reflexology Foot Massage is anincredible healing force that can help alleviate many symptoms suchas headache, insomnia, chronic fatigue, dizziness, as well as helptreat the underlying cause of many internal diseases such as Liverdisease, Kidney disease, Heart disease, High blood pressure, plusvirtually any disease known to man. Watch this reflexologydemonstration! You will learn how to rid yourself of heel spurs andalso heel pain. These techniques are the real cure and remedy forfoot pain! ✰✰✰ Support Us By Rating Us 5 ★★★★★ ✰✰✰ ✰✰✰ Pleasecontact us first if you have any question! ✰✰✰ "
Chiropractic Guide 2.3
Expert Health Studio
" ★★★ Download It For Free ★★★ Learn How To Do ChiropracticAdjustments With Accuracy and Effectiveness! ChiropracticAdjustment Techniques to Help Eliminate Pain and Other HealthIssues. These techniques can help eliminate lower back pain,headaches, ear infections, sinus issues and other common ailments.This Application will explore the most popular chiropracticadjustment techniques to help you on your journey through physicalrehabilitation with chiropractics. ✰✰✰ Support Us By Rating Us 5★★★★★ ✰✰✰ ✰✰✰ Please contact us first if you have any question! ✰✰✰"
Stomach Problems Guide 2.3
Expert Health Studio
" ★★★ Download It For Free ★★★ Learn How to Prevent StomachProblems & Digestive Disorders! Put an end to stomach pain,reflux, inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) and other tummy troublesthat can make life miserable. Having stomach issues? You're notalone. About 50 million Americans see the doctor for digestivediseases each year, according to the Centers for Disease Controland Prevention. Fortunately, this is not something we have to livewith, medical experts say. ""While some systems in the body slowdown, an increase in GI problems is not necessarily a normal partof aging,"" We will tells you how to identify, treat, and preventdigestive problems in these Application videos. ✰✰✰ Support Us ByRating Us 5 ★★★★★ ✰✰✰ ✰✰✰ Please contact us first if you have anyquestion! ✰✰✰ "
Testicular Cancer Guide 2.3
Expert Health Studio
" ★★★ Download It For Free ★★★ Are you or a loved one is diagnosedwith testicular cancer! Most often testicular cancer is detected asa painless lump in one of the testicles. Testicular cancer ishighly treatable and one of the most curable forms of cancer. It isespecially important to detect testicular cancer in the earlieststages where the cure rate is almost 100%. That is why self exams,starting in the adolescent years, are key in early detection oftesticular cancer. Learn about testicular cancer what it is, how torecognize it, and the pros and cons of various treatment options inthis application video. ✰✰✰ Support Us By Rating Us 5 ★★★★★ ✰✰✰ ✰✰✰Please contact us first if you have any question! ✰✰✰ "
Skin Cancer Guide 2.3
Expert Health Studio
" ★★★ Download It For Free ★★★ What Can You Do to Reduce My Risk ofSkin Cancer? Protection from ultraviolet (UV) radiation isimportant all year round, not just during the summer or at thebeach. Ultraviolet rays from the sun can reach you on cloudy andhazy days, as well as bright and sunny days. Follow these tips toprotect your skin from the damaging effects of sun exposure andreduce your risk of skin cancer. Learn how to recognize and preventskin cancer in these Application videos. ✰✰✰ Support Us By RatingUs 5 ★★★★★ ✰✰✰ ✰✰✰ Please contact us first if you have anyquestion! ✰✰✰ "
Healthy Life Guide 2.3
Expert Health Studio
" ★★★ Download It For Free ★★★ You want to Be Healthy! Choosingbetter health does not have to be difficult. Deciding to be active,eating healthy foods, reducing stress, connecting with yourneighbours, and dropping bad habits are just some of the littlechanges that can make a big difference to our health and wellbeing. We all want to be healthy, happy, free of stress and moreproductive in life! If you want to be happier and more content,then this is the right place to enrich yourself with smiles, caringfor yourself, staying in shape, possessing a healthy mind and soundbody. ✰✰✰ Support Us By Rating Us 5 ★★★★★ ✰✰✰ ✰✰✰ Please contact usfirst if you have any question! ✰✰✰ "
How to Detox (Guide) 2.3
Expert Health Studio
" ★★★ Download It For Free ★★★ Ready to Learn How to Detoxify yourBody and eliminate Toxins! Here, We will explain what exactlydetoxing means, why we should do it, and how to do simple DIYcleanses at home. Learn how to detox your body using fasts,juicing, and cleanses with these video application. These easy waysto recuperate will help you feel healthier than ever! ✰✰✰ SupportUs By Rating Us 5 ★★★★★ ✰✰✰ ✰✰✰ Please contact us first if you haveany question! ✰✰✰ "
Personality Disorders Guide 2.3
Expert Health Studio
" ★★★ Download It For Free ★★★ Learn How to Help Someone with Mood& Personality Disorders! Dealing with a personality disordercan be incredibly difficult, whether you’re the one suffering oryou’re offering a friend or family member support with theircondition. These problems normally require the help of aprofessional who is knowledgeable and has the resources availableto truly offer relief. Personality disorders are a group of mentalillnesses. They involve long-term patterns of thoughts andbehaviors that are unhealthy and inflexible. The behaviors causeserious problems with relationships and work. People withpersonality disorders have trouble dealing with everyday stressesand problems. They often have stormy relationships with otherpeople. Learn about mood, personality, anxiety, psychiatric, andpsychotic disorders in this Application Videos. ✰✰✰ Support Us ByRating Us 5 ★★★★★ ✰✰✰ ✰✰✰ Please contact us first if you have anyquestion! ✰✰✰ "
Psychic Abilities Guide 2.3
Expert Health Studio
" ★★★ Download It For Free ★★★ Learn How to Develop PsychicAbilities with Easy Exercises You Can Do Today! It can be tricky todevelop your psychic abilities when you don’t know what to do.That’s why, in today’s post, We are going to give you lots ofdifferent techniques that will get your intuitive or mediumshipgifts rockin’ and rolling. To make this easy peasy, commit topracticing one technique each day. You don’t have to do theexercises in any particular order. Start with what seems like theeasiest thing for you or what seems like the most FUN. In a fewmonths, you’ll be surprised at how far you’ve come! Learn how todevelop psychic abilities like clairvoyance in these Applicationvideos. ✰✰✰ Support Us By Rating Us 5 ★★★★★ ✰✰✰ ✰✰✰ Please contactus first if you have any question! ✰✰✰ "
Alcoholism Guide 2.3
Expert Health Studio
" ★★★ Download It For Free ★★★ When does drinking become a problem?Understanding alcohol abuse and alcoholism can be a key step insolving drinking problems. Some people worry about their alcoholuse but are not convinced that they need help. Friends or relativesmight express their concern ""You have a drinking problem."" Butoften that well intentioned statement fails to define the issue orsuggest a clear solution. Recognizing the Signs, Symptoms, and Howto Get Help! Learn everything you need to know about alcoholism inthese appilcation videos. ✰✰✰ Support Us By Rating Us 5 ★★★★★ ✰✰✰✰✰✰ Please contact us first if you have any question! ✰✰✰ "
Sleep Tips Guide 2.3
Expert Health Studio
" ★★★ Download It For Free ★★★ Get Best Tips For Better SleepTonight! We know we’re supposed to get enough sleep, and we reallytry.But we also know it’s often easier said than done. How you feelduring your waking hours often hinges on how well you sleep.Similarly, the cure for daytime fatigue and sleep difficulties canoften be found in your daily routine and lifestyle choices.Experiment with the following tips to find the ones that work bestto improve your sleep and leave you feeling productive, mentallysharp, emotionally balanced, and full of energy all day long. Youare getting very sleepy or will soon if You follow the advice inthis application videos about overcoming sleeping issues. ✰✰✰Support Us By Rating Us 5 ★★★★★ ✰✰✰ ✰✰✰ Please contact us first ifyou have any question! ✰✰✰ "
Addiction Guide 2.3
Expert Health Studio
" ★★★ Download It For Free ★★★ We all must learn to face &Understand Addiction! Many substances can cause an addiction,including alcohol, prescription medications and illicit drugs. Whensomeone develops a compulsive, drug seeking behavior regardless ofconsequences, an addiction has likely formed. Many addictions aremarked by a tolerance (needing more of the drug to get the desiredeffect) and the presence of withdrawal symptoms when stopping use.What if you want to help someone who is addicted to drugs, but youdon’t know how? Learn about all forms of addiction alcoholism, drugdependency, sexual addiction in this video application. ✰✰✰ SupportUs By Rating Us 5 ★★★★★ ✰✰✰ ✰✰✰ Please contact us first if you haveany question! ✰✰✰ "
Cough, Flu & Cold Remedies Guide 2.3
Expert Health Studio
" ★★★ Download It For Free ★★★ Learn Flu & Cold Treatment &Prevention Remedy! Stop the sniffles, sneezing and wheezing fastwith these home remedies. Now, it’s time to go to the mostimportant part: How to actually deal with your Cough, Noisybreathing, Runny nose and Wheezing using the stuff available rightat your home. ✰✰✰ Support Us By Rating Us 5 ★★★★★ ✰✰✰ ✰✰✰ Pleasecontact us first if you have any question! ✰✰✰ "
Vitamins & Supplements Guide 2.3
Expert Health Studio
" ★★★ Download It For Free ★★★ Do You need vitamin supplements? Welook at all the basics that you need to know about Vitamins &Supplements. We’re always hearing how a certain vitamin or herbalsupplement will cure a chronic condition or drastically improve thequality of our lives. However, information about dietarysupplements is often confusing or unclear. It’s hard to know whichoffer genuine health benefits and which are merely giving falsepromises, or worse, running the risk of actually damaging yourhealth. By learning all you can about vitamins and supplements, youcan make better choices about those that are right for you. Youprobably take vitamins and supplements with the goal of improvingyour health. That’s great news! Yet these products aren't alwaysgood for you or safe. And buying dietary supplements isn't asstraightforward as looking for the most promising health claim on alabel. Learn about the pros and cons of taking different kinds ofvitamins in these Application videos. ✰✰✰ Support Us By Rating Us 5★★★★★ ✰✰✰ ✰✰✰ Please contact us first if you have any question! ✰✰✰"
First Aid Steps Guide 2.3
Expert Health Studio
" ★★★ Download It For Free ★★★ Do you know what to do in anemergency? What if someone has a heart attack or an allergicreaction? Learn How to Perform First Aid In Emergency Situation! Anaccident or emergency can happen at any time. Giving first aid iswhat you can do to help someone before medical help arrives. Takingaction right away can help save a life. However, even aftertraining, remembering the right first aid steps and administeringthem correctly can be difficult. Learn how to administer first aidsafely with the instructions in these emergency care tutorials.Easy to learn, easy to remember! ✰✰✰ Support Us By Rating Us 5★★★★★ ✰✰✰ ✰✰✰ Please contact us first if you have any question! ✰✰✰"
Aging & Health Guide 2.3
Expert Health Studio
" ★★★ Download It For Free ★★★ Learn How to Feel Young and LiveLife to the Fullest! Staying healthy and feeling your best isimportant at any age and that doesn’t change just because you havea few more grey hairs. As we grow older, we experience anincreasing number of major life changes, including career changesand retirement, children leaving home, the loss of loved ones, andphysical changes. Age brings with it many rewarding benefits:wisdom, patience, experience, understanding. But as we get older,we also discover changes in how our bodies move and behave changesthat contradict how young we feel on the inside. Learn how to staystrong and fit as you get older in this application video series.Finding and following your formula for staying healthy as you age!✰✰✰ Support Us By Rating Us 5 ★★★★★ ✰✰✰ ✰✰✰ Please contact us firstif you have any question! ✰✰✰ "
Get Rid of Acne Guide 2.3
Expert Health Studio
" ★★★ Download It For Free ★★★ Do you really want to know how toGet Rid of Acne overnight fast? You have probably tried severalacne treatments and recommendations from friends without muchsuccess. you will discover several proven natural remedies that youcan use to overcome pimples, zits, acne or whatever you may callthem. Most of them require things that you already have at home. SoReady on to discover how to get rid of your pimples fast! ✰✰✰Support Us By Rating Us 5 ★★★★★ ✰✰✰ ✰✰✰ Please contact us first ifyou have any question! ✰✰✰ "
Zodiac Signs Guide 5.3
Expert Health Studio
" ★★★ Download It For Free ★★★ Learn How to Understand Your ZodiacSigns Personality! Your complete signs of the zodiac informationsource. Easy to interpret zodiac signs information you can actuallyuse and understand! If you are wondering about a characteristic ofa zodiac sign, dating styles, compatibility or information aboutall the signs of the zodiac, you are sure to find what you arelooking for. Find out about your zodiac sign meaning to help you inthe business world, friendships, dating and life in general.Understand your role on this planet and make sense of yourinteractions with other people by learning about your astrologysign. Learn how your zodiac sign can influence your love life andyour career in these Application videos. ✰✰✰ Support Us By RatingUs 5 ★★★★★ ✰✰✰ ✰✰✰ Please contact us first if you have anyquestion! ✰✰✰ "